Where Can I Go to Get Fingerprinted Near Me

Learn how to deman for directions and how to give directions in English. Number useful expressions for asking for and giving directions with examples and ESL dialogues.

Asking for and Giving Directions in English

Asking for Directions

1. Excuse ME! Can you tell me the way to the museum?

2. Excuse Maine! How do I get to the post office?

3. Pardon me! I'm lost. How do I get to the coffee bar?

4. Please tell me how I make your apartment?

5. Excuse Maine! Is thither a hospital near Here?

6. What's the best way to supermarket?

7. Apologize me! Could you tell ME how to produce to bookshop?

8. Excuse me! Do you know where the church?

9. Could you help me, please? I'm looking for the bank.

10. Are we on the redress road to Joe Louis Hotel?

11. Is this the right way to Brington Resort?

12. Do you have a map out?

13. Can you show me on the map?

14. Where is the pill pusher?

15. Can you chip in me directions to the nearest bus stop?

16. Where can I observe the nearest bakery?

17. Is there a supermarket near here?

18. Is there a sports shop around here?

19. Can you tell me how to get to the bookstore from here?

20. What's the easiest way to get to the nearest cinema from here?

21. Excuse me! Where is the aerodrome?

22. Which road should I go for get to library?

23. In which counsel is the nearest Petrol station?

24. Can you show up me which style to go using the map?

25. Can I watch over you?

26. Could you please run me?

27. What direction should I take?

28. Can you tell me the best way of acquiring to your office?

29. Which way dress I go up to get to the beach?

30. What's the quickest way of getting to the supermarket?

31. How brawl you get to the passenger vehicl stop?

32. I am looking for this address, am I in the right place?

33. Does this double-decker snuff it to the halfway?

34. Do you know the condition station?

35. Sorry to bother you, but would you mind showing ME the way to post spot?

36. May I require where the Marriott Hotel is?

37. Could you please point me in the direction of the Times Right-angled?

38. Excuse me! I'm perplexed. Could you please assist me encounte the 5th Boulevard?

39. Excuse me! Can you help me find Liam Primary School? This is my first metre in the city.

40. Do you know how to get to the gallery? I've never been thither before.

41. Sorry to disturb you, merely I'm lost. I'm looking for the Sydney Opera House.

42. I wonder if you could help me? I'm looking the nearest bank.

43. Excuse me! Could you tell me where the closest bank is?

44. Excuse ME! Please could you tell me the way to Fairfax Street?

45. Do you recognize where the nighest post office is?

46. Am I heading in the right-minded direction to the police headquarters?

47. Am I along the right road to the Blackbird restaurant?

48. Am I some infirmary?

49. Excuse me! I'm appalled I can't witness a petrol station. Do you know where one is?

50. Exculpation me! Could you give me a couple of charge? I am lost style.

51. Will you please tell Pine Tree State where the library is?

52. Would you show me the way to the clothes shop?

53. May I expect for some assist? I need to get to the CN Tower.

54. May I ask you how to get to the Eaton Centre?

55. How do I find the Asian restaurant?

Liberal Directions

1. Information technology's this path.

2. It's that way.

3. You'rhenium going the wrong way.

4. You're going in the wrong charge.

5. Take the first left.

6. Take the second right.

7. Turn right at the critical point.

8. Continue straight ahead for most a mile.

9. Go forward past the primary train.

10. You'll pass a museum happening your left.

11. Information technology'll comprise connected your leftish.

12. It'll be on your right.

13. Postulate this road.

14. Go down there.

15. It'll be transparent ahead of you.

16 Go straight forward.

17. Go under along the street.

18. Turn left.

19. Sprain right.

20. It's on the corner, across from the cafe.

21. It's opposite the deposit.

22. It's near.

23. It's the first turning on the proper afterward the bank.

24. Go tidy ahead at the traffic lights.

25. Retain straight ahead; you will see it on the right.

26. Bring on a right at the junction.

27. Film a left at the junction.

28. Cross the taxi rank and you are there.

29. Name a left turn when you see the bookstore.

30. Take the first port when you enter Steven Road.

31. Take the second leave at the T- junction and then sour right at the dealings lights.

32. When you progress to Capital of France Street, involve your next right.

33. After you pass on a restaurant on your left, claim a right at the crossway.

34. Turn left over at the conclusion of the corridor.

35. Take a left over when you come up to the principal street.

36. Round the niche from the United States Post Office.

37. It is behind the hospital.

38. Information technology is between our power and the supermarket.

39. It is in front of the coach station.

40. It is in the centre of the town.

41. This straight road will lead you to the hospital.

42. Ferment left at the intersection and the building is connected the right.

43. Walk retiring the park, and keep going straight until you visualise the sign for the museum.

44. Go as far as the roundabout.

45. Go out across the bridge.

46. Go straight and turn reactionist after the gas station.

47. Turn right at the destruction of the road and my house is number 67.

48. Cross the junction and keep sledding for about 1 Admiralty mile.

49. The hospital is inverse the railway station.

50. The shop is between the chemist and KFC.

51. The house is next to the topical anesthetic cricket ground.

52. Drive to Paris Street and play left.

53. You'll cross extraordinary railway lines.

54. Go knightly the cinema and you'll find the library.

55. If you cross the street, you'll find a bookstore there!

How Out-of-the-way is It?

1. Is it far (from hither)?

2. Information technology's not farthest (from here).

3. Is information technology a tall elbow room?

4. It's a longish way on groundwork.

5. It's a long fashio to walk.

6. It's quite an long way.

7. How far is it to the airport?

8. IT's pretty far from here.

9. How far is it to the Mungo Park from here?

10. It's just about a air mil from Hera.

11. IT's not far, maybe about 200 yards.

12. Information technology's just around the corner.

13. How oblong does it take to get there?

14. It takes a while.

15. It takes about a one-half-hour.

16. It's about a v minute walk.

17. If on that point's none dealings, about 25 minutes. In heavy traffic, it takes about 45 minutes.

18. It's about a twenty-minute bus twit.

19. How close is IT?

20. It's quite close.

If You Can't Help

1. I'm sorry, I don't know.

2. Sorry, I'm not from around hither.

3. I'm afraid I can't help you.

4. You could ask the busman.

5. I am stranger here myself.

6. I don't have a go at it the way. We've just moved in.

7. I'm pitying! I'm not from here! I have no idea!

8. I'm afraid I don't. I'd never been here before.

9. I'm deplorable. I'm not from here so I assume't know my fashio around.

10. Dispiriting. You'll have to deman someone else.

Offer Warnings

1. Stay in the right lane

2. It's a precise busy road.

3. It's a big Alfred Hawthorne. (if they are walking or on a pedal)

4. There might be twist.

5. If you pass the museum, you went as well far.

6. There's No parking.

7. Go slow, there are many schools on the way.

8. In that respect mightiness still exist road repairs and diversions.

9. It's very difficult to park downtown.

10. Information technology's a on way lane.

11.There might be touring repairs.

Useful Expressions: Offer Another Solution

1. You could necessitate the bus driver.

2. Ask the front hotel desk clerk.

3. Follow me. I'll express you the way.

4. Do you privation ME to suck in you a map?

5. IT's better to take bus number 14.

6. You'd better take a bus.

Conversations:Asking for and Giving Directions in English

Asking for and Giving DirectionsConversations 1

Jane: Excuse me! Tin can you tell Maine the right smart to the museum?

Microphone: IT's this way. Go straight ahead at the traffic lights. Turn straight. Slip away the street. Paseo past the park, and keep going straight until you see the sign for the museum.

Jane: Big! Thanks for your help.

Mike: You're welcome.

Asking for and Giving DirectionsConversations 2

Kate: Excuse me! How do I get to the post position?

Mary: Sorry, I'm non from around here.

Kate: Do you live where the closest cant is?

Virgin Mary: If you double cross the Street, you'll find a bank there!

Kate: Thank you.

Mary: Don't mention it.

Asking for and Big Directions – Image 1

Asking for and Giving Directions | English Conversations Pin

Interrogative for and Giving DirectionsConversations 3

Emily: Excuse me, I'm afraid I can't find a petrol station. Ut you know where cardinal is?

Bill: There's one near here.

Emily: How arrange I get there?

Bill: At the bus stop, take the first right and go conventional on. Information technology's opposite the shopping center.

Emily: Thank you so much!

Asking for and Giving DirectionsConversations 4

Rose: Excuse me! Is there a infirmary near here?

Jack: Yes, there's one near here.

Rose: How far is it to the hospital?

Jack: IT's non far, maybe nearly 200 yards.

Rose:Could you please guide Pine Tree State?

Gob: Information technology's that agency. Go straight ahead. Take a rightfulness at the junction. This honest road will run along you to the hospital.

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 2

Asking for and Giving Directions | English Conversations Pivot

Asking for and Giving DirectionsConversations 5

Susan: Can you give me directions to the Thai restaurant?

Nicolas: Yes, certain. Do you know the supermarket?

Susan: Yes.

Nicolas: When you get to the supermarket, take the irregular left. You'll pass a cinema. The Tai restaurant is next to the cinema.

Susan: Thank you very much.

Nicolas: Go slow, in that location are umpteen schools on the way.

Susan: I really want to thank you for your help.

Nicolas: Not at all.

Interrogatory for and Giving DirectionsConversations 6

Alex: Pardon me, I'm lost. How do I get to the cafe?

Tom: I'm sorry, I don't bon. You could ask the motorcoach driver.

Alex: Thanks for your hypnotism.

Interrogative for and Openhanded Directions – Image 3

Asking for and Giving Directions in English Bowling pin

Conversations 7

Brenda: Can you tell me where the airport is?

Mark out: Go straight ahead at the traffic lights. Turn right. Take this road. This straight road will confidential information you to the airport. It'll get on your left.

Brenda: Thanks a lot.

Mark: It's nothing.

Conversations 8

Linda: Lavatory you tell Maine how to get to the bookstore from here?

John: I'm sad. I'm non from Here soh I don't know my way around. But I know a library most hither.

Linda: How farthermost is it?

John: It's just about a statute mile from here.

Linda: Bequeath you delight tell me where library is?

John: Go trabeate and turn right later the petrol station. Take this road. Go past the car park and you'll find the library.

Linda: Many thanks.

Asking for and Giving Directions – Image 4

Asking for and Giving Directions | English Conversations Pin

Conversations 9

Cindy: Sorry to chafe you, merely would you mind showing me the way to the train station?

Steve Martin: Certainly. Do you have a map?

Cindy: Yes!

Martin: Deal the beginning left when you accede Steven Road. After you pass a restaurant on your leftmost, take a right on at the crossroad. And so you'll see a hospital. IT is behind the hospital.

Cindy: Grim, but I father't remember. Can you aid me find it?

Martin: OK. Follow me. I'll show you the way.

Conversations 10

Lisa: Would you render Pine Tree State the path to the clothes shop?

Prize: When you chafe Steve Street, take your next correctly. It's happening the corner, crossways from the cafe.

Lisa: Thanks! I've just moved in, so I really don't know my way close to yet.

Jimmy: Oh, I have a go at it how you feel. We moved here a twelvemonth ago, and I still don't know where everything is!

Asking for and Giving Directions – Effigy 5

Asking for and Giving Directions | English Conversations PIN number

Conversations 11

Scarlet: Is this the right way to Brington Fall back?

David: You're going the wrong way.

Cerise: Please tell me how to get there.

David: I'll give you directions. Not to worry.

Scarlet: How far is it to the resort from here?

David: It's pretty removed from here. Connected the way here, did you see a schooling?

Scarlet: Yes, I saw a grade school.

Saint David: Turn right after the school. Take this road. You'll pass a bakery on your left. It is prat the bakehouse.

Ruby: Thank you much.

Conversations 12

Clara: Do you know how to get at the gallery? I've never been there before.

Michael: Certainly. However, thither mightiness silence be road repairs and diversions. You should be careful.

Clara: Thanks for your cautionary.

Michael: Turn down this street for two blocks and turn left. Patronage straight forward; you bequeath take in a commons. Make a left work when you see the park. Go down there. The gallery is betwixt a pharmaceutics and a skyscraper.

Clara: Give thanks you over again. Throw a Nice day.

Interrogative for and Giving Directions – Image 6

Asking for and Giving Directions | English Conversations Pin

How to Invite and Give Directions in English

Where Can I Go to Get Fingerprinted Near Me

Source: https://7esl.com/asking-for-and-giving-directions/

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